Before appearing and preparing for the toughest exam ,ask yourself some questions so that you could start your journey with answers not dilemma that act as hurdles in the path .
Ask yourself:
1-What has motivated you to chose this career ,is it an external influence or your sole choice?
2-Is the motivation strong enough to pull you out of your comfort zones and keep you going?
3-This exam requires consistency. Will you be able to leave all behind and be persistent for couple of years?
4- Are you prepared to see , acknowledge and correct your mistakes. This is the most important aspect of any competitive examination.
5-What and How do you want pursue coaching and in which mode?
This questions will simplify alot of things. You will able to take the first step and continue to pass through all obstacles easily without deviation from your regularity.
The answers to these questions are your mind and opinion that will keep you resilient and competent.
Nicely said, I would also recommend the same things and also self introspection is must and very important. Identify the best career option for you by giving yourself some time and space.