Make a list of the few potential topics that interest you.
Learn about both of them from the ground up. For example, study the NCERTs for GEOGRAPHY & PUB. ADMINISTRATION if you're unsure which subject you should focus on.
This will enable you to choose which subject interests you the most.
View the test questions from the previous year.
View the curriculum for the particular topic that UPSC has recommended. You'll have a better grasp of the importance of the curriculum and be able to make a final choice.
The "last and most crucial" criterion is if you have finalized your choice of subject for your essay. Make a clear decision that this is the only subject that will work for you. Don't pay attention then. Just concentrate on the subject and study it.
Geography. Most of the aspirants choose Geography as their optional subject because it is noticed that it is the highest-scoring option in UPSC and most popular among the candidates.