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69% of World Wildlife has Disappeared - Its causes and effects on BioDiversity and humans

Updated: Oct 27, 2022

Come on Humans - the capitalist, the politicians, the CEO's and chairman of organizations and institutions, it's enough now. Stop destroying our planet for petty profits and geopolitics.

WWF's Living Planet Report (LPR) 2022 says that "In the last 50 years the global wildlife population has declined by 69%."

In Picture - Forest wild fires

What is Biodiversity?

It is all different kinds of life in an area including the plants, animals, microorganisms such as bacteria.

Each of these species and organisms work together in ecosystems, like an intricate web, to maintain balance and support life. These species together makeup life possible for each other and make sure each other survival remains in a sustainable fashion together supporting life.

There are 3 types of Bio diversity:

  • Genetic diversity is all the different genes contained in all individual plants, animals, fungi, and microorganisms. It occurs within a species as well as between species.

  • Species diversity is all the differences within and between populations of species, as well as between different species.

  • Ecosystem diversity is all the different habitats, biological communities, and ecological processes, as well as variation within individual ecosystems.

What is Wildlife and how it is mapped?

Wildlife refers to undomesticated animal species and include all organisms that grow or live wild in an area without being introduced by humans.

The Living Planet Index monitors wildlife populations across the globe. It features 32,000 populations of 5,230 species. According to the report wildlife populations have dipped by 66% in Africa and 55% in the Asia Pacific.

Freshwater populations have declined by 83% on average compared to other species groups. While the tropical regions have the most bio-diverse landscapes, that is where wildlife is disappearing the most.

Latin America and the Caribbean regions have seen the largest decline of monitored wildlife populations globally, an average decline of 94% between 1970 and 2018. The IUCN Red List shows cycads are the most threatened species.

Cycads are a plant species that grow in tropical forests and are facing extinction due to loss of habitat.

Corals are also declining rapidly, followed by amphibians. Habitat loss and barriers to migration routes were found to be responsible for about half of the threats to monitored migratory fish species.

Director General of WWF International, Marco Lambertini has said: "We face the double emergencies of human-induced climate change and biodiversity loss, threatening the well-being of current and future generations.

Factors bringing down the wildlife population drastically:

  • Agriculture

  • Hunting

  • Pollution

  • Diseases

  • Logging

  • Introduction to invasive species

  • Over exploitation of environment

  • Climate Change

Effects of loss of Wildlife and the Bio diversity

  • Extinction of species - If the natural phenomenon is altered and life sustainability factors changes it impacts the species as they face habitat issues.

  • In turn increases more Co2 (Carbon dioxide) into the atmosphere creating a vicious cycle.

  • Increase in unique kind of diseases and pests which can be harmful for animals and humans For example: Corona Virus.

  • It impacts the soil and water which effects the daily lives of human beings.

How Humans are responsible for the loss of wildlife and biodiversity?

All of us are collectively responsible for the destruction caused to the planet. Starting from the industrial revolution in Britain and the western nations to the today's digital revolution and the globalization.

As human beings demand more and more comfort and rising automation and need of energy, rather than relying on natural stuff this profit game has made us loose the sense on what destruction we are causing to the planet. Pick any sector, electricity is the necessity and without it we can't imagine our lives, but the generation, supply and use of electricity is a reason for loss of environment, not directly visible though.

Similarly, transport sector, digital equipment, according to current estimates, digital technologies account for around 4% of all carbon emissions. This figure is expected to double by 2025.

Antivirus Company MacAffee reports that the electricity needed just to transmit the trillions of spam e-mails sent every year is equivalent to powering two million homes in the United States and generates the same amount of greenhouse gas emissions as that produced by three million cars.

Now if you are thinking that we have gone off track from the topic, then it's not this is what goes around that comes around and it is affecting the lives of those innocent animals that live on land or sea somehow.

Hopefully we realize this soon that it is a vicious circle where we are pushing ourselves into. As we are depending more on comfort, it is going to come at some cost and that could be the lives of our future generations. COVID is the best example that we have to learn from.

stay tuned for more..




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