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China's violent capture of Tibet - a place the world has forgotten.

The aggression shown by China is a matter of grave concern for the world. Taking closer look at all the actions in past 5 years (rather longer) only one can see very clearly that it wants the world to adapt to the fact that this is how China will be and you got to deal with it. China is very strategically making a clout and nervous image in the world that is forcing everyone around them to adjust the way it wants. The aggression towards Taiwan is a very serious concern and example that cannot be ignored, its policies in Hong Kong are dangerous, aggression on India is uncalled for.

An analogy is used for China that it had opted for a boling the frog strategy that is, China wants to heat up the temperature slowly with time so the frog in pond adapts to the heat and eventually after sometime will die out. Similarly, China is showing extreme aggression in South China sea, yellow sea, Indo Pacific and the Himalayas. It wants the world to accept that this is how China is, rather the countries should be cautious that, don't let it become a norm for this aggression of China.

One of the issues which China has always tried to bury with brute force is the Tibet, whom China occupied violently and made the world accept that the Tibet is the region of China, but the truth is something else. What is Tibet issue? lets know of it in short.

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The story of Tibet

Tibet was captivated violently into the People's Republic of China in 1950, sparking controversy both within Tibet and globally. Many Tibetans, particularly those outside of China, view China's actions as an invasion of a sovereign nation, and consider the Chinese presence in Tibet to be an occupation by a foreign power, which is actually the truth. On the other hand, the Chinese argue that Tibet has been a rightful part of China for centuries and that they liberated Tibet from a repressive regime, however when the China attacked tibet, it was a peaceful country. So this claim of China cannot be said to be true. The public opinion outside of China, especially in the West, tends to support Tibet as an independent or highly autonomous entity. Also, the 14th Dalai Lama, Tibet's exiled spiritual and temporal leader, has become one of the world's most recognizable and respected figures. He currently lives in Dharamshala, India and is very respected and visited by many across the world.

On 23 May 1951 the Tibetan government was coerced by China to sign the controversial ’17 Point Agreement’, a document that China allege gives it legitimacy to rule Tibet - despite the fact that prior to China’s invasion Tibet possessed internationally recognized attributes of independence, including a government, a defined territory, and the ability to carry out international relations.

Under Chinese rule currently, the Tibetan landmass has been divided into the following administrative units: (Source: Tibet Network)

  • Tibet Autonomous Region.

  • Haibei [Tibetan: Tsochang] Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Hainan [Tsolho] Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Huangan [Malho] Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Guoluo [Golog] Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Yushu [Jyekundo] Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture and Haixi [Tsonub] Mongolian-Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Qinghai Province.

  • Tianzu [Pari] Tibetan Autonomous County and Gannan [Gannan] Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Gansu Province.

  • Aba [Ngaba] Tibetan-Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, Ganzi [Kardze] Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture and Mili [Mili] Tibetan Autonomous County in Sichuan Province.

  • Diqing [Dechen] Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan Province.

Who is the His Holiness Dalai Lama

The 14th Dalai Lama is universally acknowledged as the leader of Tibet by all Tibetans. Since 1959, he has resided in Dharamshala, India. In March 2011, His Holiness expressed his intention to relinquish his political authority, and in May 2011, the Tibetan Charter of the exiled community was modified, resulting in His Holiness no longer holding the position of Head of State of the Tibetan people. However, Tibetans will continue to view him as such. His political responsibilities were distributed among the elected Sikyong, the Executive (Kalons), the Parliament, and the Judiciary.

The Conclusion.

Tibet needs its rightful place in the world, different from what China claims. Afterall, India has to also see that it does not shares directly border with China, but it is the Tibet with whom India shares its borders (refer map for clarity), slowly China has captures the Tibet and now its coming on to the Arunachal Pradesh, Ladakh, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand in India, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Nepal. It is pressurising Nepal into its tactics that is debt trap and harsh agreements. It is forcing Bhutan to sign border dispute agreements, when the disputes doesnt even exist but are made up.

It is pressurising Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Laos, Mayanmar, Singapore, Laos in South China sea and Indo Pacific. Disputing Senkaku islands of Japan and provincial border dispute with Mongolia. Giving war threats to Taiwan and using brute force against them.

Also, it is using Pakistan to its favor, which is a rogue state and does not have any clear point on any matter and behind its actions, apart from out of jeolousy from India.

Therefore, all this clearly indicates that China is creating false disputes and using economic power to keep countries in check. The world needs to make sure that it come up with equal and better strategic way of dealing with it.

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